How to Place Recipe in Category

Step-by-step How-To for Placing a Recipe in a Category

When to set the Category

Category is set after posting the recipe.

How to set the Category

When your newly-added recipe page loads, go to the bottom of the page.

Click on "+ options."

Click on "parent." A new box will appear.

1.) Look up at the address bar in your browser. Type the words between the .com/ and the colon, and include the colon.

Your only choices for this step are:


2.) Add a colon (:).

3.) Type in the category you remember or jotted down, but use all small letters and "-" between the words. For Example, "Chicken And Other Birds" becomes "chicken-and-other-birds" While you are typing it in, a grey box will appear and you can simply click on the correct category in it to complete it. If that grey box does not appear, something has been typed in incorrectly and will have to be corrected.

4.) Click on "save parent page".

Placing your recipe in a category can be frustrating at first, just like most new activities can be, but it's really simple after you get used to it!

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